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Woman Files for Divorce Over Husband's Dependence On Gangajal Instead Of Daily Baths: Report

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In Agra , Uttar Pradesh, a woman is reportedly seeking a divorce just over a month into her marriage due to an unexpected issue—her husband’s lack of regular bathing.

As reported by India Today, the man only bathes once or twice a month, leading to a strong body odour that his wife found unbearable. After just forty days of marriage, the woman made the decision to leave her husband.

The husband, Rajesh, reportedly sprinkles himself with Ganga water , considered holy, once a week instead of taking regular baths. Despite his wife's urging, he bathed only six times during the first 40 days of their marriage, the report revealed.

The woman's family has since filed a dowry harassment complaint and sought a divorce. According to a family center counselor quoted by India Today, the woman had already returned to her parents' home after several disputes over the issue. Although the husband eventually agreed to improve his hygiene, the woman chose not to return to him. The couple has been advised to return to the counseling center in a week for further discussions.
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