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Parsva Ekadashi 2024: Date, Parana Time, Rituals and Significance of Parivartini Ekadashi

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Parsva Ekadashi 2024 : Ekadashi holds a great religious significance among Hindus. This day is purely dedicated to Lord Vishnu and people offer prayers to Lord Vishnu with immense devotion and dedication. Parsva Ekadashi is also known as Parivartini Ekadashi and this month it is going to be observed on Ekadashi Tithi or 11th day of Shukla Paksha in the month of Bhadrapada i.e., on September 14, 2024.

Parsva Ekadashi 2024 : Date and Time

Ekadashi Tithi Begins - September 13, 2024 at 10:30 PM
Ekadashi Tithi Ends - September 14, 2024 at 08:41 PM

Parana Time - September 15, 2024 - From 05:34 A.M. 08:01 AM

Dwadashi End Moment - September 15, 2024 - 06:12 PM

Parsva Ekadashi 2024: Significance

Parsva Ekadashi has its own great religious importance in Hindu religion. This day is purely dedicated to worship Lord Vishnu. Parsva Ekadashi is also known as Padma Ekadashi, Jaljhulni Ekadashi and Parivartini Ekadashi. On this auspicious day, devotees worship Shri Hari Vishnu and they perform various puja rituals and religious activities so that they can gain the maximum benefits from this fast.

This is one of the most spiritual fast which is observed by a large number of devotees and they keep fast from dawn and break it next day on Dwadashi Tithi. Devotees who offer prayers to Lord Vishnu on this sacred day, get blessed with all the worldly pleasures and happiness. It is also believed that people can get rid of their bad Karmas, they can get relieved from the cycle of birth and death and get salvation.

Parsva Ekadashi 2024: Story

This story of Parivartini Ekadashi was narrted by narrated by Lord Krishna to Arjuna. According to the legend, a demon named King Bali used to rule in the Treta Yuga. Despite being a demon, he was very charitable and truthful and served the people of the kingdom with great dedication. Due to the impact of his devotion and good governance, King Bali also started ruling in heaven by replacing Devraj Indra. Devraj Indra and all the other gods got scared of King Bali. Therefore, all the deities prayed to Lord Vishnu for protection against him. Lord Vishnu took the Vamana avatar in order to protect the Gods and went to King Bali. There he requested King Bali to donate three steps of land to him.

King Bali accepted this request of Vamana. As soon as King Bali accepted his request, the Vamana avatar of Shri Vishnu assumed the form of a giant and measured the three worlds in two steps. When there was no vacancy for the third step, King Bali bowed his head with folded hands in front of Vamana and asked to keep the third step on his head. Lord Vishnu was very pleased with the kindness and devotion of King Bali and therefore made King Bali the Lord of Hell. Since then the fast of Parivartini Ekadashi is observed by the devotees. On this Ekadashi, a sleeping idol of Lord Vishnu is always kept with King Bali in Hell. This day is also observed as Vamana Jayanti.

Parsva Ekadashi 2024: Rituals

1. Wake up early in the morning and take a holy bath before starting puja rituals.
2. Clean your home and puja area.
3. Take a wooden plank and place an idol of Lord Vishnu and the symbol of Goddess Laxmi.
4. Light a diya in front of the idol and adorn the idol of Lord Vishnu with flowers and offer him Tulsi Patra, which is very essential for Ekadashi Vrat.
5. Chant Vishnu Mantras to invoke the Lord.
6. Recite Vishnu Sahasranama and show your gratitude to Lord Vishnu.
7. You must offer bhog prasad to the Lord along with Panchamrit.
8. In the end, devotees chant Lord Vishnu Aarti.
9. The Ekadashi fast is broken next morning, Dwadashi Tithi during parana time who are unable to observe fast, they can break their fast on Ekadashi tithi by having something sattvik.
10. The fast will be fully broken on Dwadashi Tithi.


1. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaye Namah..!!
2. Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare..!!

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