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Expert tips on how women can develop healthy bladder habits

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Almost all women experience Urinary Tract Infection , commonly known as UTI , at least once in their lifetime. These infections can occur anywhere along the urinary tract which comprises of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra.

Most infections involve the lower tract only, that is, the urethra (urerthritis) and the bladder (cystitis). Infections of the kidneys lead to a more serious condition called Pyelonephritis.

Most UTIs are caused by bacteria, such as E.coli, that live in the colon.

Who is at a higher risk for UTI ?
Adult women are most commonly affected, as their urethra is shorter than men and opens nearer to the anus, meaning its easier for bacteria to enter the urinary system and cause an infection.

About 40 % of women get at least one attack of cystitis in their lifetime. It is more common in sexually active women, during pregnancy, after surgery and menopause. Recurrent UTI is common in diabetics, patients who have had prolonged catheterisation and also if abnormalities of the urinary system are present.

How do I know if I have a UTI ?
Most common symptoms include burning urination, lower abdominal pain, pain while passing urine and increased visits to the toilet.
Blood in the urine and fever can also occur along with nausea, vomiting and chills indicating a severe infection.

How can UTI be prevented ?
⦁ Drink plenty of fluids (ideally 2.5 -3 litres/day). The important point to note here is fluids include water and any other liquid beverage. The total fluid intake is what needs to be more than 2.5 litres and not just water alone.
⦁ Do not hold urine for too long, pass urine regularly . This is very important and the urinary bladder is an elastic structure. The longer it is stretched out, the more it will lose it’s elasticity, leading to problems later.
⦁ While using public toilets, use toilet paper to line the toilet seat and gently wash your private parts with slow stream of water to avoid infections.
⦁ After using the toilet, always wipe from front to back. Never the other way around .
⦁ Cleanse your genital area daily but not too frequently or vigorously. Bacteria thrive on damaged skin
⦁ Avoid potential irritants like perfumed bath oils or vaginal deodorants
⦁ Pass urine before and after intercourse
⦁ Lubricate adequately during intercourse
⦁ Avoid tight synthetic clothing all day
⦁ If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar under control
A Urinary tract infection is uncomfortable, but treatment is usually successful.

(Author: Dr. Rubina Shanawaz Z, Senior Consultant, Obstetrics & Uro Gynaecology, Fortis Hospital, Richmond Road, Bangalore)

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