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Can you spot the third dog in the picture?

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Carefully look at the picture given here. What do you see? Two cute dogs, right? And.... a man!!


Would you believe if we say there are actually three dogs in this picture and the one that you are seeing as a human being wearing black attire is actually a black furry dog?

It is hard to believe, right?

A Reddit user has shared this picture and the internet is going crazy about it.

"where is the third dog? I presume that the human is actually I dog, but I can't see it...," writes one user. Another user says: "People keep saying how they instantly saw 3 dogs, it's my first time seeing this image and I didn't know it wasn't a dude until another comment mentioned it, 100% thought it was a person in furry coat and hat cuz snow."

"I just can't see it. I need some visual help," another person writes.

"Black dog is front facing the camera, the part below the "head" (Which is the tail) is the dogs actual head," explains another user.

Now, once you know where the third dog is you won't be seeing the image the same way again.

"I actually gasped when I realised! What a beautiful picture!," one user said.

This picture is a perfect example of an optical illusion. It clearly defines the objective of the illusions. Pictures like these make your brain believe something else, whereas in reality that might not be existing. Everyone saw a man wearing a black coat, maybe because there is snow everywhere and it is easy to believe that a man wearing a coat might have brought his dogs out for a walk.
Pictures like this one are going viral over the internet. These are being shared and re-shared massively. Engaging in such brainstorming activities is good for mental health as it engages the brain into thinking something that is not so obvious.

Do let us know how many seconds or minutes did it take you to find that the man in the picture is not a man after all and is infact a cute little dog, which probably stood closer to the photographer and hence became the centre of attraction of one of the most viral optical illusions.

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