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School run saboteur infuriates parents by leaving boobytraps targeting tyres

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Parents picking up their children from a countryside primary school say they are being targeted by a mystery gremlin who keeps leaving nails in the grass verges to stop them from parking.

Nearly 15 per cent of families have now fallen foul of the unknown saboteur who has been making life a misery .

In what has now been dubbed "Britain's most bitter school run", police have been called to investigate withe worried adults fearing a child could injure themselves on the hidden pointy pieces of metal.

Drivers say the nails have caused criminal damage to their vehicles and it's thought a latest round of attacks last month is connected to a similar incident in May.

Creeting St May is a tiny village of around 700 people with one narrow main road which runs through it past the primary school. It seems clear from photos of the outside of the educational establishment there is little space for parking nearby.


Parent Inci Kara, 40, told the BBC: "The nails are positioned upwards deliberately because they don't want us to park here and that is worrying.

"I know a lady who last year had to change four of her tyres because of this but now it is happening again."

Fellow parent Stephanie Wilson 41, said she was worried the sharp objects could lead to someone getting injured.

She added: "Multiple parents have said they have had their tyres flattened but my main concern is if a child that is walking home falls and lands on them or a dog walks on them.

"The person behind this has not thought about the potential consequences of these actions. It's not worth injuring someone over."


In a statement Suffolk Police said the most recent reports of criminal damage were received on September 17

A spokesman said: "The report was that nails or screws had been placed in the upwards direction along All Saints Road, near to the primary school.

"A similar report was received in the same area in May, which damaged two car tyres, while another report has also been received of damage of vehicle tyres (one vehicle) on four occasions between January and May of this year.'

"No arrests have been made and the investigation is 'ongoing'."

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