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If you also eat cold food every day, be careful now

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In today's fast-paced life, people are often forced to eat cold food due to lack of time. Many people keep the food prepared in the morning in the fridge and eat it at night or without heating it. However, doing this can be harmful for health. Let us know what harm can be caused by eating cold food.

Fresh food is beneficial:  Health experts always recommend eating fresh and hot food. The elders of the house also say that fresh food is beneficial for health. But due to the changing lifestyle, people do not have time to eat hot food. They quickly finish the cold food and leave for work.

Risk of bacteria:  According to experts, the risk of bacteria in hot food is very low. Whereas in cold food, there is a risk of the number of bacteria increasing rapidly, which is very dangerous for health. When the food gets cold, bacteria start growing in it, which can cause health problems.

Stomach problems:  People who eat cold food often face stomach problems. Eating cold food affects the digestive process, which can cause bloating, gas and other problems in the stomach. In contrast, people who eat hot food are less affected by such problems.

Effect on metabolism: People who eat cold food have been found to have weak metabolism. Weak metabolism can lead to many health problems. Slow metabolism leads to lack of energy in the body, which leads to fatigue and laziness.

Problems in digestion:  When we eat cold food, it slows down our digestion process. Eating cold food causes carbohydrates to ferment in the intestines, causing digestive problems. This condition can also affect the absorption of nutrients in the body.

Health Experts' Advice:  Health experts always recommend that food should always be fresh and hot. This is not only better for our health, but it can also prevent stomach problems and other health related problems. If you are also used to eating cold food, then try to change it. After all, it is obvious that eating cold food can cause many health problems. So it is always better to eat fresh and hot food. Take care of your health and lead a healthy lifestyle!

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