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Delhi HC organises workshop on sensitisation of legal professionals on Deaf-Blindness

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New Delhi [India], September 25 (ANI): The Accessibility Committee of the Delhi High Court on Monday organised a workshop on sensitisation of legal professionals on Deaf-Blindness at the High Court of Delhi. This committee was headed by Justice Rajiv Shakdher.
Deaf-blindness is a very rare kind of disability in which a person cannot see and hear.
Zamir Dhale, who is himself deaf-blind, and the founder of SEDB India, conducted the workshop. He was assisted by his colleague Lion Sunil Abbas. It was attended by judicial officers, advocates and court officials.
During the workshop, he taught how a person, after learning the tactile sign communication, can comfortably communicate with people like him.

Zamir Dhale informed the participants about his life journey and the challenging situations faced by him.
Justice Rajiv Shakdher, also attended the programme and interacted with Zamir Dhale, Lion Sunil Abbas, and the tactile sign interpreters accompanying them.

Jay Thareja, Joint Registrar (Judicial), gave his welcome address. Rahul Bajaj, a visually impaired advocate member of the Accessibility Committee of Delhi High Court, also addressed the gathering and gave a vote of thanks. (ANI)

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