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Cat owner's shock after cheeky feline brings home jackpot-winning scratchcard

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Megan Christian, 33, was over the moon when her one-year-old cat Monkey fetched a winning scratchcard, earning her £10.

The feline, known for bringing back quirky items, has previously returned with a Wetherspoon menu, a coffee sachet, and even some KFC chicken. This time, the mixed breed from Penzance, Cornwall, surprised Megan with a scratchcard that turned out to be a winner.

Megan, who works as a carer, expressed her astonishment: "When she brought home the scratchcard I couldn't believe it - I was like, 'really, a winning scratchcard? It really intrigued me. I have no idea where she gets these things from. But every time she's back I'm like, 'Oh wow, what has she got now?'"

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Monkey's knack for scavenging began six months ago, starting with wall plugs and then a child's dummy. One of the more humorous items was a stuffed pickle, which Megan found particularly amusing, noting: "It's called an emotional support pickle, which was quite funny."

All of Monkey's peculiar finds are kept in a box by Megan, who intends to use the scratchcard winnings to treat herself to something special, reports Cornwall Live. According to vet-reviewed website PetMD, there are several reasons why a cat might bring back gifts.

"Some cats may greet their owners in the morning or when they come home from work with one of their favourite toys. The motivation behind these types of gifts may be that your kitty is looking for some playtime," it said.

"Most owners find it difficult to resist giving their cat attention when they come sauntering over with a ball in their mouth. Try reserving some time each day to engage in play sessions that simulate hunting whenever it is that your cat usually brings you toys."

But on some occasions cats might instead bring back dead prey as pets. If your cat does this, you can keep them entertained and occupied at home, including a food-filled puzzle toy to stop them bringing dead animals back.

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