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Farmers urge 'Big Six' supermarkets to end 'farmwashing' and support local producers

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Farmers have written to the bosses of the UK's "big six" supermarkets, calling on them to end "farmwashing", support local producers and hit back against the rise of mega farms.

The Farmers Against Farmwashing campaign claims major supermarkets are using fake farm brands and overuse of Union Jack branding to give shoppers the impression that their products come from "quaint British family farms".

It claims that in reality, much of the food is increasingly sourced from "industrial US-style, mega farms" or from overseas, and masking the decline of Britain's family farms.

The open letter has been signed by more than 100 figures from the farming and food industry, including the television presenter Jimmy Doherty and the chef Rick Stein.

Doherty said: "Britain's small-scale farmers are facing extinction, pushed to the brink by the rise of US-style mega-farms.

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"These enormous operations might make meat cheaper, but the hidden costs are devastating compromises on animal welfare, environmental harm, and the destruction of traditional farming livelihoods.

"We're seeing generations of family farms swallowed up, replaced by faceless corporations that are driven by profit rather than people or the planet.

"It's time we take a stand and support real British farming before it's too late.

Andrew Opie, of the British Retail Consortium, which represents the supermarket chains, said: "Supermarkets are always keen to promote British farming and follow the strict legislation on the labelling of food, including the use of flags."

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